Monday, June 4, 2018

Linux Northwest and other news

It has been three busy months since my last blog post which is difficult to accept. Before - we were almost on weekly blog post schedule.. However it doesn’t mean the professional life is boring. There are few things that require a reflection:

  • Linux Northwest Fest – probably the best community event I have ever attended. (well it was my fourth time here). It’s so crazy to get to know the crowd that drives open source projects and get more information around the projects themselves. In many cases I’m not able to easily accept that the majority of the projects will be successful, but some of the ideas are great and the common motivation of making the world freer is appealing to me. Here are few details to share:
    • The best session I had was “Automation with Ansible” – where Mark Foster (ExtraHop Networks) was able to demonstrate on how to build and test Ansible automation on your local machine. It inspired me so much that on my return I was able to automate Avi Networks deployment on my own (Avi Networks has official playbooks on Github but it’s always fun to do it on your own from the scratch)
    • Another favorite session “Harness the power of Kubernetes and Istio” by Spencer Krum (IBM) – the session was alive lab that was all done on IBM cloud. The biggest discovery was that IBM Cloud actually has its own native support of Kubernetes.  So now GCP, AWS, Azure and IBM Cloud all have Kubernetes support which makes it an official public cloud docker orchestration platform in my view
    • Actually Azure part has been confirmed by another session from Arun Chandrasekhar (Microsoft) that was called “Hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure as code using Terraform” and basically reassured that Azure is pretty serious about orchestration and infrastructure as a code.
  • The other item that I would like to touch on is Openstack summit in Vancouver and couple of the technologies that sounded new to me. The Summit was in Vancouver (which is local to me) and Avi Networks had a booth on the expo floor. I’m covering the details here on Packet Pushers blog
  • Another event that is coming soon and I'm heavily involved with VMUG Usercon - very successful annual event, and as Vancouver VMUG Leader - I'm happy to help with it
  • Lastly, I’ll do my best to be more active here on the CrispyFog page with more periodic blog posts and also Avi Networks is hiring – ping me if you’re interested – we’re looking for all kinds of smart people – the full list is here  and also more TAMs (certainly I can tell you everything about that role)

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